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What is a Stem Wall?
A structure that is used to connect the foundation of a building to its walls. Mostly constructed concrete footings with masonry walls, they rise above the ground level to provide a raised platform for placing the building slab.
What are Building Plans/Construction Drawings?
A graphic representation of how the building will be built consisting of dimension floor plan, foundation plan, elevations, floor framing plan, and roof framing plan. The plans for your build are an important first step in your truss build. The plans answer many questions when designing trusses. If the build is going to variate in any way from the original plans, then your field rep will need to be notified as soon as possible to ensure an accurately built product.
Are Truss Specs required for Permits?
Yes, Northern Arizona jurisdictions require truss specifications for your permit submission. We provide all you need in regard to trusses for you to obtain your permit and get ready to build your project.
Do you sell lumber?
No, we choose to specialize and focus on the complexity of trusses.
Do you sell I-Joist?
No, in most facets, floor trusses are superior and can save upwards of 25% installation labor.
Truss Terms
- Bearing – a structural support, usually a wall or beam that is designated to carry the truss loads to the foundation
- Bottom Chord – bottom of the principal members of a truss
- Bottom Chord Length – length of bottom chord from heel to heel (include cantilever, but not overhang)
- Butt Cut – Slight vertical cut at the outside edge of truss bottom chord made to ensure uniform span and tight joints – usually 1/4 inch
- Cantilever – The portion of a truss extending beyond the exterior face of a support (excluding the overhang)
- Chase – space in a truss that provides an area for pipes or wires to run through
- Continuous Lateral Brace – A member placed and connected at right angles to a chord or web member of a truss to prevent out of plane buckling
- Depth – measure from top of top chord to bottom of bottom chord (does not include blocking)
- Double Web – Carries concentrated load
- Heel – Point on a truss at which the top and bottom chords intersect
- Heel Height – Vertical overall measurements at the end of a truss where the top and bottom chords meet
- Loading – the force exerted on a surface or body. Truss design loads are calculated using all load categories: dead load, live load, snow load, wind load, and earthquake load
- Members – a constituent piece of a complex structure
- Overall Height – Vertical distance from bottommost part of the bottom chord to uppermost point on the top chord
- Overhang – The extension of the top chord of a truss beyond the heel measured horizontally
- Panel Length – The distance between the centerlines of two consecutive joints along the top or bottom chord
- Peak – The apex is the top-most point of a roof truss. On a common triangular roof truss, this is the peak of the roof. However, on roof trusses with a flat (or hip) roof, this is the top-center point of the truss
- Ribbon – ties truss ends together
- Slope – inches of vertical rise for each 12 inches of horizontal run
- Span – The overall distance between adjacent interior supports or to the outside of supports when at the end of a truss
- Span length – measure from outside end of truss to outside end
- Splice – The point at which two chord members are joined together to form a single member. It may occur at a panel point or between panel points
- Strongback – member that ties trusses together
- Top Chord – top of the two principal members of a truss
- Truss – a framework, typically consisting of rafters, posts, and struts, supporting a roof, bridge, or other structure
- Truss Height – the height of the truss from the top of the bearing to the top of the top chord (trusses with multiple levels of top chord will have multiple truss height dimensions)
- Truss Plate – staggered-tooth metal connector plates designed to connect wood truss members together; the teeth of these connector plates are punched in pairs at right angles to securely connect the pieces of rafter trusses or floor trusses at the joint, allowing for the transfer of loads through the structure
- Vertical Webs – Support joist hangar and bearing beam
- Web – Members that join the top and bottom chords to form the triangular patterns that give truss action
- Wedge – a wood support where the top chord meets the bottom chord